As the sun sets over the picturesque landscapes of Tikako, Narok County, marking the end of one chapter, it heralds the beginning of another. In the wake of our successful tree-planting initiative detailed in the JHIA’s Newsletter “’ Earth is the Greatest Resource God has Given Us’ Issue No. 9 of September 2022”, the journey toward regenerative agriculture continues with renewed vigour and a deeper commitment to nurturing Mother Earth.

Reflecting on the impact of our initial efforts, it’s heartening to witness the growth of the saplings we planted. The once barren land now teems with life as the fruit trees take root and flourish. It’s a testament to the resilience of nature and the positive change that a small group of dedicated individuals can bring about.

It has not been all glamour and galore all along, we lost several seedlings, about sixty-five percent during the dry season, not passé to drought, as Wainaina, my younger brother, has been very dedicated to watering the plants on almost a weekly basis, but to cattle that broke the barbed wire fencing that we had put up to protect the young trees from the wild animals.

One of the most rewarding aspects of our initiative has been the engagement of the local community. Encouraged by the visible transformations, more individuals have joined our cause, sharing a collective vision for a greener, healthier future. Together, we’ve expanded our tree-planting endeavours to include not only fruit trees but also indigenous species that contribute to the biodiversity of the region.

My niece, Nashipai, Wainaina’s daughter together with her school of friends, came running towards me when I was unloading another crate of seedlings; amidst gasping for breath, they shared that they had seen some fruits albeit being undeveloped from the trees we planted last season, we were all exited and overjoyed when I finally saw that some trees had started fruiting as they lead me pointing at the tiny green fruits.

Building on the success of our first initiative, we’ve set our sights on enhancing the sustainability of the project. Our team has been working closely with local environmental organizations, seeking partnerships to access resources and expertise that will empower us to scale up our efforts. Community workshops and educational programs are in the pipeline, aimed at fostering environmental awareness and inspiring a sense of responsibility toward our shared home.

In the spirit of collaboration, we have also reached out to government agencies, advocating for policies that promote regenerative agriculture and the preservation of natural ecosystems. Recognizing the potential for positive environmental and economic impact, these partnerships are crucial steps toward creating a more comprehensive and lasting change

Our commitment to regenerative agriculture extends beyond tree planting. Recognizing the interconnectedness of all living beings, we are exploring sustainable farming practices that prioritize soil health, water conservation, and the well-being of local ecosystems. By embracing permaculture principles, we aim to create a model that can be replicated and adapted to suit the unique needs of different regions.


The success of our initiative has not gone unnoticed; we joined the local administration as Kenya celebrated a special public holiday on November 13, 2023, dedicated to a nationwide tree-planting initiative as part of the National Tree Planting Campaign under the Presidential Programme for the Accelerated Restoration of Forests and Rangelands, which aims to plant 15 billion trees by 2032. This newfound visibility has opened doors to further collaborations, allowing us to share our experiences, learn from others, and contribute to a global dialogue on sustainable living.

As we embark on this noble calling to our regenerative journey, we invite others to join us in sowing seeds of change. Whether you’re an individual passionate about environmental stewardship, a community organization dedicated to sustainable practices, or a policymaker shaping the future, there is a role for everyone in this collective effort.

The journey toward a greener, healthier Earth is ongoing, and our commitment is still unfolding. Together, let’s cultivate a legacy of positive impact, leaving a world that future generations can inherit with pride and gratitude.


Denis Munyua,
ICT & Digital Archives Personnel, JHIA